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5 years ago
Leona leo
There is a problem on the official Russian site of Microsoft users have disappeared the possibility of buying and renewing a licensed package of MS Office.After conducting a technical and operational analysis, Microsoft has decided to refocus the sale of Office to retail partners. Now it is only possible to extend the license with a key, which can only be obtained at retail outlets by buying MS Office in a box.As for the information about the imminent increase in the monthly subscription price of Office 365 from 339 to 439 rubles, yes, this is true, hurry up and buy.I want to buy an electronic key and start using immediately. But at the same time I want to be sure that it is a license key. And the whole Internet is flooded with offers "license" keys, the purity of which is questionable - especially given that they are often ten times cheaper than the official Microsoft offers. And now we have to figure out who is an authorized seller and who is a lefty with questionable keys.The EULA used to allow the use of an OEM key for self-collection, but since some time no. And I don't know if an OEM key can be used on a computer that I repaired myself by replacing the motherboard, or if it's considered self-collecting after that. Second, the RTL key has the advantage of an unlimited number of reinstallations on new computers. The next time the motherboard burns out, I won't have to buy Windows again - I'll use the same key. And taking into account that MS promised not to make more new versions, but only upgrade and update ten, RTL key for ten is theoretically eternal. The main thing is don't go to softline...THEY LOCK THEIR KEYS![:+5:]