Download AIMP for Android

AIMP for Android

For Android

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Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x
19.42 MB
Russian, English
AIMP DevTeam


The mobile version of the popular music player AIMP. This program supports playing music in .ape; .mpga; .mp3; .wav; .ogg; .umx; .mod; .mo3; .it; .s3m; .mtm; .xm; .aac; .flac; .mp4; .m4a; .m4b; .mpc; .wv; .opus and other formats. Also, AIMP supports CUE, includes an 8-band equalizer, detects encodings in tags automatically, displays album artwork from tags or folders with music files, lets you add files or folders to a playlist, quickly adds all music files from an SD card, repeat play the whole list or individual tracks, play files in order or randomly, and controls playback from a headset, lock screen widget or desktop.

Please note that the application may work unstable on Xiaomi devices running MIUI.


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7 years ago
This message may be useful, especially for those who care about the option to pause between tracks in the player AIMP for Android: Before proceeding to the practical actions described in Newuser(2017-04-14 17:44:43), to solve the problem of unscheduled stops (falling asleep) of the player when applying the pause between tracks, you must make sure that the device settings, in this case, smartphone with Android version 4.1.2 (probably, the recommendations will be suitable for other similar devices), in the settings - Developer Options in the items Animation Scale, Animation Scale during the transition and Duration of the animation selected option Animation off, otherwise described in the paragraphs practical steps Newuser(2017-04-14 17:44:43)for the correct operation of the option pause between tracks can remain meaningless if you define that in the smartphone, in the settings - Developer Options in the items Animation Scale, Animation Scale in the transition and Duration of the animation animation is enabled, it must be disabled by selecting the option Animation off and be sure to reload the smartphone after that. When overloading the smartphone, these settings are usually not reset, the resetting of these settings can only happen after a complete factory reset. Then you need to go to the practical steps that are submitted in the message Newuser(2017-04-14 17:44:43)to solve the possible problem of not scheduled stops(falling asleep) the player when applying the option to pause between tracks in the player AIMP for Android. Thank you.
7 years ago
Since the site did not find (the option to register and the ability to edit (update) the message), and such a need may sometimes arise, so to optimize the following messages a big request from the author of the following messages to the moderators of the site messages newuser (2016-07-09 17:37:16), Guest (2017-02-11 20:43:12), Guest (2017-03-31 00:03:09) delete and instead put updated message on this news from Newuser with the current date, (starting from the next paragraph and ending with the message), which may be important for many, thanks Great player in many ways, especially in sound quality when paired with good headphones, many thanks to the developers, but the crux of the problem is that if in the pause duration settings of the AIMP for Android player is set to a certain value greater than 0msec, such as 10000msec(10 sec), then (activated in the settings) auto-go to the next track (with subsequent playing) with smartphone display turned off can be carried out incorrectly in time, ie, not immediately after the specified in the settings (the duration of pauses) time period, in this case not immediately after 10 sec. after the end of the previous track, but much later than that period of time. A software solution to this question from the developers of smartphones with Android version 4.1.2 (probably higher) have not yet been delivered, up to AIMP v2.50, build 335 (probably higher). It remains, for now, a manual solution to this problem (updated version of the solution script): 1. Run built-in by default Android player (usually an icon of blue color with the name of music), select one of the tracks and start playing it (in the settings of regular player the option to show notifications must be enabled, it is also crucial that the track selected for playback was in the format (had the type) .mp3, otherwise the whole scenario may be useless). 2. open the notification area (curtain), which displays the current running programs, moving your finger from the top edge of the touch screen down, find the default Android player (you can identify it on the curtain by the name of the selected track) and slide your finger from left to right to remove it from the curtain (if after opening the notification area the default player was not found on it, then most likely its settings are disabled the option to show notifications, in this case you must enable it and go back to the first item 3. In the menu of your smartphone with Android select settings-applications-operating (the panel is on the right, move your finger across the display from right to left), find the built-in default Android media player (usually a blue icon with the name music), click on it and in the window that will open, press stop to stop the process and confirm (instead of performing this item you can wait about 1-2 minutes, until the process of default Android player will be removed by the system automatically, but better do it manually, to make sure that the process of default player will not start. 4. Run the player AIMP for Android, and selecting the desired track or playlist (if there are no tracks - add via menu), start its playback, then turn off the display (usually by pressing the top button on the smartphone) and wait for the selected track to finish playing (to accelerate you can move the slider on the scale of the game closer to the right end), then, if, after the end of the track and the expiration of pause time, set in the AIMP player settings, play the next (or the same with the repeat option) track has not started, you need to turn on the display (usually by pressing the top button on your smartphone), then auto skip to each subsequent track (with the subsequent playback) with your smartphone display turned off with the value (in the player settings) pause duration exceeding approximately 1315 ms. - 1398 msec.(1,315 sec. - 1,398 sec.) should be performed correctly in time (before performing this item it is better to close AIMP player if it was started earlier). After each overload of the Android smartphone or after each new start of the built-in default Android media player the actions described in the conditional items 1 - 4, for the correct timing of the auto-transition to each subsequent track (with the subsequent playback) with the smartphone display turned off with the value (in the player settings) pause duration exceeding approximately 1315 msec. - 1398 msec.(1,315 sec. - 1,398 sec.), will need to be performed again. It's important to note that after changing or switching over the flash card on the smartphone it's better to reboot the smartphone before carrying out the actions described in paras 1-4; otherwise they can turn out to be useless. We hope, however, for a software solution to this issue. Thank you.
7 years ago
It is also important, in addition to the post Guest (2017-02-11 20:43:12), to note that after changing or switching the flash card on your smartphone to solve the problem described in the post Guest (2017-02-11 20:43:12) before conducting the actions described in paragraphs 1 - 4 better reboot your smartphone, otherwise they (actions in paragraphs 1 - 4) may be useless.
8 years ago
Excellent player in many ways, especially in sound quality in connection with good headphones, many thanks to the developers, but the crux of the problem is that if in the AIMP player pause duration settings set a certain value greater than about, as already reported, 1315 msec. - 1398 msec (1,315 sec. - 1,398 sec.), for example, 10000 msec (10 sec), then auto-over to the next track with smartphone display turned off is not correct in time, ie, not immediately after the specified period of time, in this case not immediately in 10 sec. after the previous track, but much later than this period. A software solution to this issue from the developers of smartphones with Android version 4.1.2 (probably higher) have not yet been delivered, up to AIMP v2.50, build 328. It remains a manual solution to this problem (updated version of the solution script): 1. 1. Run Android Player (usually a blue icon with the name of the music), select one of the tracks and start playing it (in the settings of the player the option to show notifications must be enabled). 2. Open the notification area (curtain), where currently running programs are displayed, moving your finger from the top edge of the touch screen downwards, find the built-in Android player (you can identify it by the name of the selected track) and move your finger from left to right to remove it from the curtain (if the built-in player is not present in the notification area, then most likely the option to show notifications is disabled in its settings, in this case you must turn it on). 3. In the menu of your Android smartphone choose settings-applications-operating (the panel is on the right, you can move your finger across the display from right to left), find the Android media player (usually a blue icon with the name music) click on it and, in the window that will open, press stop to stop this process with confirmation. 4. Run the player AIMP for Android, and selecting the desired track or playlist (if there are no tracks - add via menu), start its playback, then turn off the display (usually by pressing the top button on your smartphone) and wait until the selected track ends playing (to accelerate you can move the slider on the timeline closer to the right end), then, if, after the end of the track and the expiration of pause time, set in the AIMP player settings, the game of the next track (or the same when you enable repeat option) has not started, you need to turn on the display (usually by pressing the top button on your smartphone) and wait for the next track to start playing, then auto-transition to the next track in the specified time period when the smartphone screen is turned off with the pause duration value exceeding approximately 1315 ms. - 1398 msec.(1,315 sec. - 1,398 sec.), should be performed correctly in time. After each overload of the Android smartphone or after each new start of the built-in Android media player, the actions described in conditional items 1 -4, for correct timed auto skipping to the next track when the display is off with a pause time value exceeding approximately 1315 msec. - 1398 ms. (1,315 sec. - 1,398 sec.), it will be necessary to carry out anew.
8 years ago
If the pause function does not work between tracks when the AIMP media player pause duration setting is set to greater than 1398 ms (1,398 sec.): 1) start the AIMP media player, select one of the songs and click on it or on the play button to play it, then, in parallel with this, run the Android media player and, having selected one of the songs, start its playback for a few seconds. 2) by moving your finger on the display of the smartphone from top to bottom expand the panel, which displays the currently running programs and by moving your finger on the smartphone display from left to right in the area of the Android media player (round icon in the form of a CD) to remove it from this panel. 3) in the menu of the smartphone with Android select settings-applications-operating (the panel running on the right, you can go to that by moving your finger across the display from right to left), find the Android media player (blue icon called music), click on it and press stop to stop this process. Function of pauses between tracks when their duration exceeds 1398 ms. (1,398 sec.) after the above steps may not start working immediately after the first song, so if after the end of the first song play the next (or the same) did not continue after the expiration of the specified in the AIMP player settings pause, you must turn on the screen (if turned off) and wait for the next (or the same) song to start playing.