Alien Invasion MOD is a modded version of the original game of the same name. With its help, you can make the gameplay even more fun and straightforward, without financial investments.
The game was developed for Android devices, to help mobile gamers to have some fun and relax in front of their smartphone. It requires almost zero attention and doesn't demand to make any hard decisions. All you have to do is to move a hungry alien across the location and devour humans. Then, when his stomach will be full, return to the base to store the food for later. That's it. To make the game more fun and dynamic, there are numerous upgrades, that you can unlock, when you have enough resources. And that's why this mod will become useful. It helps to avoid long and boring gathering of resources, helping to unlock almost any upgrades in no time.
When you install the app, you will notice, that you don't have millions of resources. But don't worry, that's how the mod works. Every time you spend a resource, instead of decreasing its quantity, the game increases it. This way, you cannot upgrade all the parameters to the maximum in the beginning of the game, because at the certain level, you need to have at least 1 DNA point to increase stats further.
From our website you can download Alien Invasion MOD for Android completely free.
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