Download AmpliTube UA

AmpliTube UA

License: Paid
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Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x


An indispensable program for all owners of iRig UA devices, which will allow you to use your Android gadget as a guitar processor.

Using AmpliTube UA for Android you will get access to a huge and constantly growing collection of realistic virtual amplifiers, effects pedals, cabinets and many other useful instruments for free.

A total of 21 variants of virtual musical equipment are included in the program. Thanks to the built-in purchases, you can increase their number to 43. The program includes such effects as Noise Filter, Delay, Overdrive, Wah, Chorus, Flanger, Phazer and Octave, and Distortion will be available after registration. Also, you can use five amps with the appropriate cabinets: Lead, Clean, Bass, Crunch and Metal. In addition, you can use a dynamic or condenser microphone simulation, and there is a built-in chromatic tuner.

To get the best results with AmpliTube UA, it is recommended to use it together with iRig UA devices. Together, these two instruments will allow professional musicians and amateurs to play conventional electric or bass guitar with their Android-gadget, not only using almost any effects, but also enjoy high-quality sound with minimal sound delay: only 2 ms.

A nice feature of AmpliTube UA is the possibility to use it in "preview mode" even without an iRig UA device. In this mode you can use the whole collection of amplifiers, effects, cabinets and microphones with a number of built-in, unprocessed demo recordings.

You might also be interested in the AmpliTube Free/SamsungProAudio Android app for devices that have Samsung Professional Audio support.

Download the AmpliTube UA app from our website and enjoy playing your favorite musical instrument with minimal sound delay and the possibility to use almost any effects absolutely free of charge.


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