Download AntTek Explorer

AntTek Explorer

License: Free for Android
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x
4.58 MB


AntTek Explorer is a file manager for Android with a user-friendly, multi-pane interface and a lot of useful features, including for working with rooted devices.

AntTek Explorer allows you to conveniently manage files on your device using customizable panels. You will be able to choose from 6 different panels and simultaneously work with the contents of several folders, which will make managing your files even faster and easier. In addition, the program has easy-to-drag contextual toolbars and is optimized to work on both tablets and smartphones. The program has a set of the most essential functions. It lets you view, copy, cut, paste, delete, rename, send, archive and extract files from archives. With its help you will be able to browse files located both on the local storage (SD-card) and on the remote file server: Samba/CIFS/FTP and WebDAV, as well as Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox and Box cloud storages, and also to watch streaming video or listen to music from the remote file servers.

A nice feature of AntTek Explorer is the built-in tools for working with files of different types. The program includes a music player with an equalizer, tools for viewing images, zip and rar archives, apk files, and a special tool for viewing source code that has support for java, c, php, perl and other programming languages. It is also possible to install additional plug-ins that add support for TIFF and PDF documents. Its smart toolbar makes working with all types of files even easier and the ability to set bookmarks, create shortcuts and do a quick search on the internal storage or SD-card allows getting access to your files even faster.

One of the main features of AntTek Explorer is Drag and Drop anywhere. With this feature you can quickly copy or move files between local folders or from the server by simply selecting the desired files and dragging them from one panel to another. Additionally, on rooted devices the program helps you to access hidden partitions on the SD-card, like /data, /system etc.

Also, you will be able to view system files and uninstall system, virus and pre-installed applications. AntTek Explorer allows you to choose the most convenient view mode - normal (faster) or native (more suitable for Root-right users), change file sorting modes, work with several selected files separately, and change the program design with a huge number of free removable design themes and icon sets.

We recommend you download AntTek Explorer from freeSOFT: it is fast, free and completely safe.


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