Download DEER HUNTER 2018


License: Free for Android
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Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x
88.52 MB
Russian, English


DEER HUNTER 2018 is a free hunting simulator for Android devices. The game features unconventional shooting mechanics and a detailed system of pumping weapons and skills. DEER HUNTER 2018 allows you to hunt big game, deer and even use dogs. Be careful - in this game, you yourself can become game for predators.

The DEER HUNTER 2018 app is designed for smartphones and tablets running Android version 3.0 and above. The game interface supports Russian and English languages.

Description of DEER HUNTER 2018

DEER HUNTER 2018 is a great alternative for hunting fans who do not want to kill real animals. The main advantages of the game include:

  • Pleasant graphics. DEER HUNTER 2018 accurately conveys the atmosphere of the forest - the muffled noise of leaves, birdsong and the sounds of wild animals help to imbue the mood. Graphics of the game surprises with effects, beautiful landscapes and lush colors. Animation of animals and the main character is realistic enough and fits harmoniously into the world of the game.
  • Several game modes. DEER HUNTER 2018 provides the opportunity to hunt deer, big game and even arrange an underwater hunt with a harpoon in his hands. Hunting mode with a dog changes the process of finding game. Your four-legged friend finds your prey instantly, but beware, because when he does, he'll come running at you. If you don't react in time, you yourself will become a victim.
  • Intelligent gameplay. The game requires wit and compliance with the rules of hunting. It's not enough just to shoot in all directions - it is important to choose your weapon and ammunition, wait for the right moment and make the shot. It is necessary to take into account not only where the bullet will hit, but also where the animal is located. For example, if you shoot a pack of wolves, they will all run at you and the game will be over.
  • System of pumping skills and weapons. An advanced pumping system allows you to improve your skills: to spot game faster, to shoot with high accuracy and to see the organs of animals. Unlocking skills will allow you to inflict lethal shots from a long distance. By improving your weapon, you increase the damage, accuracy and range of the shot, as well as you can adjust the bullet dispersion.

DEER HUNTER 2018 is distributed for free, but users are sometimes shown ads. Download the latest version of DEER HUNTER 2018 from the Freesoft portal. Each file is thoroughly scanned by antivirus and contains no ads and no malware.


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