Download Draw Rider

Draw Rider

License: Paid
Checked for viruses
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Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x
71.93 MB
Other, Russian, English


Draw Rider is a free racing game whose main goal is to reach the finish line alive and unharmed. Using seven different vehicles, the player has to traverse the most difficult landscapes and fight saws, hammers and blowers. The race harmoniously combines difficulty and fun. Draw Rider will appeal to fans of linear obstacle races.

Draw Rider game is designed for smartphones and tablets running Android version 4.4 and above. The game interface supports the Russian language.

Description Draw Rider

The atmosphere of Draw Rider is reminiscent of mobile java-games of similar subjects. Minimalistic interface and lack of graphics makes you fully concentrate on driving. The main advantages of Draw Rider include:

  1. Realistic transport physics. In Draw Rider the player controls a variety of vehicles: from a bicycle to a flying skateboard. The game realistically recreates the physics of each vehicle. Therefore, the driving style depends on the chosen vehicle. The game allows you to change the control in the settings by adjusting its sensitivity.
  2. Difficulty of passing the tracks. Hardly passable landscapes, obstacles and scattered murderous objects make you pass the level several times, and in some cases dozens of times. The player must carefully plan his route. For each victory the player is rewarded and advances to a new level.
  3. System of character and vehicle customization. The game allows you to un-paint your character and vehicle, making it stand out among the other participants.
  4. Route Editor. Using the editor, you can embody your ideas by drawing new trails. The user has complete freedom of action: to draw a landscape of any complexity, add obstacles, saws, as well as set the criteria for winning.
  5. Large gaming community. Draw Rider has a large fan community that creates hundreds of new trails every day. Thanks to fresh ideas, the game never gets boring; there's always something new going on.

Download the latest version of Draw Rider from Freesoft. Each program is checked by antivirus, so the installation file does not contain ads and malware.


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