Download Duolingo


License: Paid
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x, Android 13.x
45.96 MB
Other, Russian, English, German, French


DuoLingo is a free foreign language learning program. Duolingo includes various thematic tasks, audio files, pictures and other interactive elements. The program is suitable as an auxiliary tool for learning foreign words, not for full-fledged grammar parsing.

Duolingo is designed for smartphones and tablets running Android version 4.0 and above. The program interface supports English and Russian languages.

Description of Duolingo

Duolingo is designed for free learning in a game form, during which the student involves different forms of perception. The main advantages of the program include:

  • Support for multiple languages. For Russian-speaking users, only four languages are available so far - English, French, German and Spanish.
  • Fun Assistant Duo. The Duo assistant of the same name tells you about your progress and informs about the details of new exercises. It's not a teacher, but a faithful companion in overcoming language difficulties. Developers have given Duo a sense of humor, so it often cheerfully praises the user for achievements and cheers him up when he fails.
  • Step-by-step learning of new words. Words are divided into dozens of thematic categories, which become available when you reach the next level. At the end of each stage is a test of knowledge. If the test is successful, then the user gets access to the next category.
  • Flexible learning mode. Duolingo adapts to your pace and the amount of free time. The program offers several modes - you can study from 5 to 30 minutes a day. If the daily norm is not done yet, the user will get a special reminder about the exercises.
  • The reward system. For each successful exercise, bonus points are awarded, which can be spent on various accessories for Duo and other bonuses related to achievements.
  • Ability to create societies. Duolingo allows you to team up with your friends and keep track of everyone's achievements. Community groups are also available, which you can step into only if you comply with a certain pace of study. Studying in a group is not different from studying on your own, but it is seriously motivating to keep learning.

Duolingo is free, however from time to time users are obliged to watch the ads that pop up over all the windows. You can get rid of the ads by purchasing a paid subscription for one month or one year at a time.

Download the latest version of Duolingo from Freesoft. Each file is scanned and contains no malware, so it is completely safe to download and install.


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