Download FaceRig


For Android

License: Free for Android
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x
97.46 MB
Russian, English


FaceRig Try on amazing three-dimensional masks of different animals, monsters and people.

FaceRig software reads your facial movements and transfers them to your gadget screen as the character of your choice. You can become anything you want: a cute red panda, a dragon, a hamburger or even Donald Trump. To that end, the program includes a large selection of avatars, some of which are available for free. Choose an image you like, point the camera of your gadget at yourself and the avatar will repeat all the movements of your face in real time.

In addition, there are many masks available in the program. Here you will find different hats, glasses, animal masks and more that you can apply to decorate your photos.

Before you start using FaceRig, it is recommended to perform a face scan. This is very easy to do. You just need to look into the camera of your smartphone or tablet so that your face is within the boundaries of the marked area, and then press the red button.

All in all, the program offers 15 free background images, more than 40 realistic avatars and more than 20 masks that up to 5 users can try on simultaneously. In addition, the program has a feature FaceSwap, which is able to swap up to 5 faces at a time.

You'll also be able to try on two-dimensional anime-style avatars and add your own creations to the program.

A nice feature of FaceRig is the ability to take a photo or record a video using avatars and masks, and then share them with friends via popular social networks.

Note that in order for the program to work, your gadget must support OpenGL ES 3.0. Also, your device must have the Google Play Games app installed.

Devices with third-party firmware are not supported.

We recommend downloading FaceRig for Android from our website. It's free and completely safe.


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