Download FM WhatsApp

FM WhatsApp

License: Free for Android
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x, Android 13.x, Android 14.x
91.3 MB
FM WhatsApp


FM WhatsApp is a modded version of an original WhatsApp client for Android. It contains a variety of additional functions to customize the messenger's design and extend its functionality.

FM WhatsApp — beautiful and functional WhatsApp mod

WhatsApp has earned an excellent reputation among users and has become one of the most popular mobile messengers. People use it to chat with friends, as well as for business communication. However, more and more users prefer modified versions of the client, as they have an extended set of functions. One of such mods is FM WhatsApp for Android. It brings numerous improvements and additional functions to make online communication even more fun and pleasant.

FM WhatsApp offers numerous customization improvements, so users are free to control and change the design of the app according to their taste. In addition, this mod brings privacy improvements. For example, this app can hide your 'last online' status, so no one can guess when you were last online.

Key features of the app:

  • opportunity to log into multiple accounts on one device
  • customizable design and tick styles
  • ghost mode available
  • built-in flight mode
  • function to send messages automatically, based on the pre-specified schedule
  • opportunity to send messages to people outside the contacts list
  • function to lock access to the messenger with password or fingerprint
  • tool to enable or disable calling through the app
  • function to send Files up to 1000 Mb
  • opportunity to read deleted messages

If you're looking for a functional WhatsApp mod, download the latest version of FM WhatsApp for Android from our website, for free.


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