Download Voice Notebook - Speech to Text in Russian

Voice Notebook - Speech to Text in Russian

License: Paid
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x
5.31 MB
Other, Russian, English


Voice Notebook - speech to text in Russian is a program for quick creation of voice memos on cell phones running Android. Able to recognize speech in Russian and create both small and multi-page notes for you.

Voice Notebook features

In the latest version of the program, you can set up saving notes in the memory of the gadget, as well as on the selected cloud storage. A useful feature is support for continuous dictation mode, as well as rolling back the last voice input using a command, or by pressing the appropriate button. The program also allows you to set up automatic word substitution and punctuation, control capitalization, and supports bilingual voice input. On some devices, the application can work without Internet access, but, in this case, notes will be saved only locally. Thanks to the use of the TTS engine, it allows you to speak your notes. For a quick launch of the program, you can use a handy widget.

The program will require:

  • installed the latest version of the program Google. It is necessary for correct work of the voice input;
  • For local work with voice input, you will need to install the necessary language package;
  • On some devices, offline input for the Russian language is not supported, so you need Internet access.

This is a free version of the program. Purchase paid, premium version allows you to disable ads, turn off automatic screen shutdown, use power-saving mode for long dictation, auto-fill recipient's e-mail address when sending notes, word counter, and use Bluetooth.

Looking for a way to dictate notes on your mobile device? Then download Voice Notebook - Speech to Text in Russian for Android from our website.


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