King James Bible is a perfect app for reading and studying the Bible and receive inspirational verses every day, on the screen of your Android smartphone.
King James Bible - Verse+Audio is a mobile application, developed for reading, studying and exploring the holy scriptures on your mobile device. With its user-friendly interface and a range of powerful features, this app brings the rich and profound teachings of the Bible to your fingertips. In the latest version of the King James Bible app, you can access the complete text of King James Version Bible, or KVJ, that includes both the Old and New Testaments. You can read and study them any time, even without an internet access, which makes the program perfect for on-the-go use. You can save and highlight your favorite passages to access them any moment and use the powerful, advanced search to easily locate specific chapters, verses or keywords.
But one of the most useful functions of the King James Bible APK is its tool to listen to the scriptures being read aloud. It helps to use the app on the go, while working or relaxing, when you cannot read by your own. And as a pleasant addition, this program allows to set morning and night prayer, as well as studying alarms.
Are you looking for an easy way to read or study the Bible? Then download the latest version of King James Bible for Android from FreeSoft. The app is available for free, but contains ads.
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