Download Mobile Security

Mobile Security

License: Free for Android
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 2.x, Android 3.x, Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x
3.2 MB
Russian, English


Mobile Security is a reliable antivirus for mobile devices. The application protects against viruses and adware, monitors CPU performance, and allows you to set parental control over your children's smartphone. The main advantage of Mobile Security Android is that the program does not require a lot of resources.

Mobile Security is designed for smartphones and tablets running Android version 2.3 or higher. The program interface is available in English and Russian.


Mobile Security for Android is not just an antivirus, but a full-featured service center for your device. The program monitors installed applications, shows CPU load with program indicators and allows you to set special filters for calls and browser. The main advantages of the program include:

  1. Ergonomic interface. The simple interface, designed in dark colors, harmoniously includes a wide functionality of the application. All tasks are divided into logical groups, so Mobile Security Android can be used even by inexperienced users.
  2. Effective virus protection. The application scans files and installed programs both on the internal memory of the device and on the memory card. In-depth scanning detects viruses and other potential threats to your device and privacy.
  3. Blacklist and whitelist functions. Antivirus makes it easy to get rid of intrusive numbers. By adding them to the blacklist, you won't get any calls or texts from them. The whitelist feature allows you to set special conditions for individual numbers, such as setting special notifications and filters.
  4. Geofencing and parental lock features. The app lets you see your child's location at any time with the Geofencing feature, which monitors your smartphone's position in real time. The parental control feature sets browser restrictions, ensuring a safe internet experience with no forbidden content.
  5. Resource-neutral. Unlike similar antiviruses, Mobile Security doesn't use a lot of resources and doesn't stress the processor all the time.

Download the latest version of Mobile Security Android from Freesoft. Without registration and long waits you will get a safe installation file, as each program is checked by antivirus.


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