Download OBS Remote

OBS Remote

License: Free for Android
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 2.x, Android 3.x, Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x
1.34 MB
Bill Hamilton


OBS Remote Android is a mobile app for controlling live broadcasts from a smartphone. By synchronizing your mobile device with your PC, you can instantly start and stop your broadcast, switch cameras and slides, and adjust the volume.

The OBS Remote app is designed for tablets and smartphones running Android version 2.2 or higher. Its interface is in English only.


OBS Remote Android will be useful for streamers and those who have to organize broadcasts. The application will be a great alternative when you do not have a second screen to control your broadcast. The main advantages of the program include:

  • Streaming control from your smartphone. Control your broadcast from your smartphone using your computer only for streaming. With the OBS Remote Android app, you no longer need to pause the stream to change its settings - control your broadcast from your smartphone.
  • Instantly set up your broadcast. You only need to install the plugin on your computer, run the client and synchronize your PC with your smartphone to start the broadcast. Setting up a broadcast takes a couple of moments - you need to keep the IP and a special code on your smartphone, which will appear on your computer screen. For convenience, the app allows you to conduct a preliminary test of the stream, checking the settings and determining the quality of the broadcast.
  • Ability to switch cameras and slides. OBS Remote Android allows you to switch cameras in one click, for example, to change the image from a webcam to a desktop capture. You can also switch slides and start screensavers during a broadcast with a single click. With the program the user can adjust the volume of the microphone and other content separately, which is especially useful when broadcasting video.
  • Ergonomic interface. The program is designed in a minimalist style. The interface of the program is not overloaded - everything is made for comfortable operation. All functions are presented in one column with large buttons. At the bottom of the screen shows broadcast statistics - time, FPS and bitrate.
  • It will not load your system. The OBS Remote Android app does not take up much space on your device and does not boot your system while it is running. The program is battery saving, so even a small charge will be enough for the broadcast.

Download the latest version of the OBS Remote Android app from the Freesoft portal. Each file is checked by antivirus, so the applications do not contain malware and hidden ads.


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