Download A simple flashlight from Simple Mobile Tools

A simple flashlight from Simple Mobile Tools

License: Free for Android
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x, Android 13.x
7.44 MB
Other, Russian, English


Simple Flashlight is a small app that helps you eliminate the need to carry a real flashlight. Allows you to use the flashlight of your cell phone, or gadget screen, as a light source.

Flashlight for Android with multiple modes

Before you a small program that can replace the real flashlight. Its use is very simple. Simply open the app and click on one of the four buttons offered. They are responsible for switching between the four modes:

  1. Flashlight. The normal mode of the program, in which the flash of the gadget is used as a light source.
  2. Screen light. As is easy to guess, in this mode, the application increases the brightness of the screen. It will help if the flash, for one reason or another, does not work.
  3. SOS. Uses the gadget's flash to send a distress signal, in Morse code.
  4. Strobe Light. Allows you to adjust the flicker frequency of your gadget's flash.

All these features are available completely free of charge. Moreover, the application does not contain ads and built-in purchases.

Features and capabilities of the program:

  • free access to all features;
  • very simple and clear interface;
  • the ability to choose the color of the backlight, when using the screen as a light source;
  • function to turn on the flashlight when you start the program;
  • the ability to turn off the display of the strobe and SOS mode buttons;
  • the flashlight activation by means of a widget;
  • setting the widget colors;
  • smartphone does not go to sleep mode when turning on the flashlight through the application (the function does not work with the widget);
  • The program is fully translated into Russian.

Need the simplest flashlight for Android? Then download this app from our website.


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