Download QR and barcode scanner

QR and barcode scanner

License: Free for Android
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x
3.41 MB
Russian, English, German


QR and barcode scanner This application allows you to scan and recognize QR and barcodes of various formats. The scanned code is saved in the application and is available for sending to the user's account of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, Google Plus, as well as by e-mail.

For posting to social networks (Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte) you can use the built-in client or the original application of the user's choice.

The application interface is made with the use of bookmarks.

On the first tab there is a big button, pressing on which opens the scanner. After the code is recognized by the scanner, it is automatically scanned.

The scanned code gets a title and content. By default the name of the code contains the first 30 characters of its value. After scanning, the code is automatically saved and the user can specify any other name. The name of each scanned code must be unique.

The second tab contains a list of the scanned codes saved in the program. A short tap (click) opens a window with the code for viewing. From this window you can publish the code in your Facebook timeline, tweet it to your Twitter account, post it to your wall in VKontakte, publish it on Google Plus or send it via e-mail. Depending on the application settings, you'll use an internal client, a browser or a social networking application.

Long tap on the line with the code opens a window in the mode of editing the name of the code.

The settings tab allows you to disable the use of the built-in client for Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte.

The support tab allows you to send a message or ask any question about using the application by email to the developers.


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