Download Shazam


For Android

License: Free for Android
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x
30.94 MB
Russian, English
Apple Inc.


An application designed to search online for a song you like by a small segment of music directly at the moment of listening. It is enough to bring your phone close to the sound source and after ten seconds of processing the song you are looking for will be found.

Shazam features

  • Compatible with devices running Android 8.0 and later;
  • Russian-language menu
  • To search for a song, you must run the program, bring the device to the sound source and click on the appropriate button. After processing the data Shazam will provide complete information about the track;
  • After launching the program at the top of the screen you will see 4 menu items: Home, My Shazam, Discover and Rating;
  • The "Home" menu item is used directly for the main function - the song search. It displays only one button, pressing which activates the search algorithm;
  • My Shazam displays the search history;
  • under "Discover" the user needs to select his favorite music genre. Then the program will offer a list of performers, from which you need to select the 5 most frequently listened to. After pressing the "Finish" button, this section will display the information collected from social networks, online stores and music listening services;
  • the Rating menu item provides information about the most popular tracks in different parts of the world. The information is displayed as a geographical map with small icons of artists. The map can be zoomed in to view more detailed information. When you turn on the location search service, Shazam determines the coordinates and displays artist ranking information for the user's country. The following provides data on the popularity of artists in various musical genres;
  • the application has the possibility of a delayed search. In the absence of the Internet Shazam will record a segment of the song and automatically find the artist when the device is connected to the network;
  • the program is closely integrated with social networks. Using a special menu, found songs can be shared with friends;
  • shazam can recognize visual objects and provide information about books, posters, magazines on which there is a service logo;
  • search functions and displaying the text of the sounding song are also available on Android Wear devices.


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