Download Lingvo Dictionary without Internet

Lingvo Dictionary without Internet

License: Paid
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Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x, Android 13.x
53.74 MB
Russian, English


ABBYY Lingvo is an application for accurate and fast translation of words and phrases in offline mode. ABBYY Lingvo is compatible with devices running Android OS versions 4.4 and later.

ABBYY Lingvo works on tablets and smartphones, and is compatible with Android 4 and up.

ABBYY Lingvo

ABBYY Lingvo has access to 11 dictionaries for 20 languages from the leading publishers. The application's fast and efficient offline mode makes it an indispensable aid for translation in professional spheres, providing precise literary translations of both words and sentences.

Lingvo Dictionary program features

ABBYY Lingvo allows you to translate words not only by machine translation, but also using your smartphone's video camera or by direct translation from a screenshot or photo from a gallery.

Each entry in the dictionary contains not only the word but also its translation, transcription, information about its stylistic and grammatical features, as well as examples of word usage in a sentence and the way it is pronounced by native speakers.

In the ABBYY Lingvo search history, you can access your previous searches, so that if you repeat a word, you won't need to enter it again.

ABBYY Lingvo features

ABBYY Lingvo Dictionary allows you to

  1. Live-mode translation. When you activate the camera on your mobile device, you should point it at the word, which will provide an automatic accurate translation.
  2. Ability to translate from a screenshot or photo. The user uploads a screenshot or a picture to the ABBYY Lingvo dictionary menu and receives a text translation.
  3. ABBYY Lingvo toolset allows you to independently compile a dictionary set for later professional use. Dictionaries from specialized publishers will help you do this.
  4. Fast work offline. Translation applications often require an Internet connection for proper functioning. With ABBYY Lingvo, you can continue to use your ABBYY Lingvo without being bound to an Internet connection.
  5. Hinting system. When entering the first letters, the user receives a number of intuitive prompts about the word and then chooses the variant from the list.


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