Sponge - Gallery Cleaner is a must-have app for those, who have thousands of images in the smartphone's gallery. Instead of searching for unwanted photos and removing them one at a time, remove everything you don't need, using simle swipes.
Those who like taking photos using Android smartphones, sooner or later, may start experiencing problems with the lack of space in the device's storage. That's why the Sponge app was created. With its help, you can say goodbye to the clutter in your photo gallery. It turns cleaning of your smartphone in a game. It will open the first image or video for you, and your task is to swipe it left to remove it, or right — to save it. Then it automatically switches to the next item, and so on. Important, that the app automatically groups photos by months or albums, making it easier to declutter.
Thanks to the function to remember where you left off, you don't have to remember where you've finished or spend time on cleaning the entire gallery in one day. You can continue from the last place anytime later.
If you're looking for a way to easily clear your smartphone's gallery, download the latest version of the Sponge - Gallery Cleaner for Android from our website. It is totally free.
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