Download Accounting in the CloudShop

Accounting in the CloudShop

License: Free for Android
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Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x, Android 13.x
15.93 MB
Russian, English


CloudShop Store Accounting Manage your commerce and keep track of your sales, merchandise, and customers with CloudShop. A complete list of products and customer base is always at your fingertips. The number of items, employees and stores is unlimited. CloudShop will alert you when items and inventory are nearing the end of their shelf life.

Basic Functions

  • Directories. List of goods, list of stores, suppliers and employees, client base - always at your fingertips. If you need a system in Russian for your point of sale, customer accounting program, goods accounting program for the store, install the cloudshop.
  • Operations. Carry out purchases, sales, transfer of goods between warehouses and stores, return of sales and purchases, inventory. All operations are saved in the system and displayed in the financial report. Warehouse logistics, work in the warehouse becomes more convenient - my warehouse is always in order.
  • Reports. Revenue, profit, number of sales and average bill - under control. It's easy to find out which store is selling better, which items have become sales leaders, which goods are running out. The cloud service of the cloud cloud shop provides a full-fledged warehouse accounting on your smartphone.
  • Money. Capture cash inflows and outflows. Incoming and outgoing orders are generated automatically. There are various automation systems and warehouse programs. CloudShop facilitates trade management, warehouse accounting, store accounting, management accounting, and trade accounting. This is a great solution if your business is retail or wholesale, selling in bulk, if you have a warehouse and trade, and your goal is automation and management, store automation.


  • Secure store automation - your customer base and financials are stored on cloud servers and transmitted through encrypted channels.
  • Store software will generate barcodes for products that don't have them, prepare price tags.
  • The customer accounting program allows you to assign personal and cumulative discounts to customers.
  • Browser version and additional applications - Sales automation with Cloudshop does not require the purchase and installation of programs and equipment.

Is your business retail or wholesale? CloudShop is mobile sales automation and management, trade automation, customer accounting software, accounting automation, warehouse automation. CloudShop supports an application that helps small businesses keep management records and get the data to make the right decisions.


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