Download Evening Kvartal 95 (best)

Evening Kvartal 95 (best)

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Android 2.x, Android 3.x, Android 4.x
0.09 MB


Evening Kvartal 95 (the best) - one of the most popular comedy groups in Ukraine, "Studio 95 Kvartal" is now on your mobile device.

This is a look of comedians at the most important political and economic events in the country. A look from the outside and from the inside at the same time, parodies and sketch combined with clever and vivid presentation have conquered Russian humor fans. "Studio-95" grew out of a KVN team that was popular in the '90s, as were many other now-famous TV show acts. The team "Tranzit" from Krivoy Rog appeared on the screens under the name "Kvartal 95". The list of achievements of the team on KVN is impressive: victory in the highest league of Ukraine, two "Kivin in the light", playing in the highest league, and then - solo concerts. Then the guys created the program "Studio Quarter 95", and new unconditional stars appeared on Ukrainian television. The press wrote that the news could be heard from the regular concerts of "Evening Quarter", viewers stuck to their screens, tickets to the concerts sold out faster and jokes were quoted for months.

For their performances, "95 quarter" chose the genre of sketch - schematic sketches and sketches, in fact - a mixture of KVN numbers and theater miniatures. Funny and elegant at the same time guys in his own unique style play out comic sketches on the most acute and current topics, looking at them from unexpected angles. This style has brought the studio "Kvartal-95" success first with the Ukrainian and then the Russian audience. The style of "Kvartal-95" studio is, first of all, intellectual humor, which does not prevent it from being understandable to any viewer.


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