Download McAfee WaveSecure (Trial)

McAfee WaveSecure (Trial)

License: Free for Android
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 1.x, Android 2.1, Android 2.x, Android 3.x, Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x
2.65 MB
Other, Russian, English, German, French


WaveSecure Lite Trial program designed to find a lost or stolen mobile device based on the operating system Android 1.0 and above. For full functionality of the application you only need to install it in the memory of your smartphone. Determining the geolocation of your mobile device is done without the help of GPS and internet connection. It is a fully autonomous program that performs the security function.

Description of WaveSecure Lite

WaveSecure Lite Trial is the current version of the utility for searching for lost or stolen mobile devices. The application does not take up any space in a modern smartphone. It has an English-language localization, but with the full adjustment of all functions can cope even with a person unfamiliar with the English language.

The version application is distributed on a free-of-charge basis. The producer of the utility is the company McAfee Mobile Security. It is important to note that for the full work of the program, if the mobile device is lost, you need to have the utility already installed in the phone memory. Therefore, it is necessary to install and configure the application in advance. In addition, the program will not work on a tablet that does not support 3G communication.

The main functions of WaveSecure Lite:

WaveSecure Lite Trial program has an extensive set of features, which include:

  1. Geo-positioning of your mobile device without the help of GPS and the Internet.
  2. Instantaneous locking of the smartphone by the user remotely.
  3. Sending notifications to the numbers specified by the user at the attempt of unauthorized SIM card change.
  4. Deletion of all user information that can be restored later.
  5. Setting a complex password and improving the overall security of the mobile device.

All in all, a program that takes up less than half a megabyte and consumes almost no resources of the mobile device, making it much easier to locate it in case it is stolen or lost. McAfee WaveSecure (Trial) includes extensive functionality to improve the user's overall financial and information security.


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