Download EiskaltDC++


License: Free for Windows
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
17.19 MB
Russian, English, German, French


EiskaltDC++ is a free cross-platform Direct Connect file sharing client with interfaces based on Qt and GTK+.


  • Graphical interfaces based on Qt and GTK+, a daemon and a console interface to it.
  • Multithreaded download (download pieces of the same file from multiple sources at once).
  • Search with a possibility to group results.
  • DHT support (allows file sharing and searching by TTH without using any hubs).
  • Blacklist for search results.
  • UPnP support.
  • Support for binding to a network interface/address.
  • Ability to use a side dock with a list of widgets, a multiline tab bar or a single line tab bar.
  • PFSR (partial file sharing) support (users can download from you parts of the file that you have not downloaded completely, similarly you can download from other users partially downloaded files).
  • Downloaded/shared lists.
  • Possibility to auto-update external IP via DynDNS.
  • Public/selected hubs (lists of Internet hubs, encoding used, connection type, possibility to introduce yourself to other clients, external IP, possibility to disable chat when connecting to a hub, possibility to set different search intervals for hubs (default setting: 60 sec).
  • Favorite users (automatically give the slot, description, time of last visit).
  • Multilingual interface.
  • IP-filter.
  • Anti-spam.
  • Search spy.
  • Logging.
  • Filtering in user lists, search results, file lists, and public hubs.
  • Search by file list.
  • Ability to use Qt regular expressions in the user list filter (use ## in filter).
  • Full chat (nickname coloring, parsing magnets, links, emoticons, search in chat, chat commands, BBCode support, switching on/off/clearing chat, Shift+Enter to move input line in chat, spell checking (using Aspell), ability to show IP-addresses and countries of users in chat (depends on the hub settings: information about them is usually available only for operators), separator (horizontal line) for unread messages in chat, possibility to highlight keywords in chat).
  • User commands.
  • Manager of download/download speed limitation.
  • Learning how to highlight duplicates in a balloon.
  • Limitation of upload/download by a balloon size (can be set via the context menu for a chosen directory in the file list).
  • Text and sound notifications.
  • Hashing settings (hashing speed limitation, pausing, using mask for specifying the files and directories which should not be hashed, setting up the period of balloon's automatic update).
  • Support for custom QtScript extensions.
  • Use of system icons (disabled by default).
  • Ability to upload files to destination directory, without using temporary directory.
  • Separate customization of fonts for application, user list, chat, private messages.
  • Possibility to process magnet-links and hub-links sent to the client from different browsers.
  • Drag-and-drop files in the message input field. If a file is in the balloon, a magnet-link is substituted for it.
  • Lua scripts support.
  • Support for case-sensitive file list.
  • Hide menu (Ctrl+M) with an extra button on the toolbar.
  • Indicators of free space and hashing progress in status bar.
  • ADL search (with Perl-style regular expressions support via PCRE).
  • Absence detection interval (checking user activity).
  • Keyboard shortcut manager.
  • Qt Declarative UI support (works only in Qt >= 4.7.0).
  • Smileys bar can be used instead of the smileys selection window.
  • A dialog for calculating the TTH of an arbitrary file.
  • IDNA support - national domain name resolving.
  • Possibility to connect to the hubs by coded URL
  • Ability to view the queue of users waiting for a slot.
  • Daemon and console interface can communicate via XML-RPC and/or JSON-RPC.


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