JabRef A bibliographic information management system that uses BibTeX as a native format. JabRef provides an easy-to-use interface for editing BibTeX files, importing data from online scientific databases, and for searching and managing BibTeX files.
- Fully compatible with BibTeX.
- Full text search of entire bibliography
- Import of different formats: BibTeXML, CSA, Refer/Endnote, Web of Knowledge, SilverPlatter, Medline/Pubmed (xml), Scifinder, OVID, INSPEC, Biblioscape, Sixpack, JStor and RIS
- Export in various formats like HTML, Docbook, BibTeXML, MODS, RTF, Refer/Endnote and OpenOffice.org
- Grouping by any BibTeX fields, keywords
- Integration with desktop environment: launching PDF/PS viewers, browsers, embedding citations in LyX, Kile, LatexEDitor, Emacs, Vim and WinEdt, OpenOffice.org
- Plugin Support
- Automatic BibTeX key creation
- Search in Medline, Citeseer, IEEEXplore and arXiv.org.
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