Letter Lines is a fascinating game where the goal is to form as many words as possible by moving the letters on the playing field. You can move the letters only along the trajectory passing through the free cells of the field. To move a letter, click on it, and then click on the target free cell. Words can be composed horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. To specify a word, click first on the first and then on the last letter of the word. Selected words are removed from the field and cannot be reused in the absence of bonuses.
Only nominative nouns in the singular are allowed (unless the word has no singular form). The letters "E" and "Y" are considered the same. Word acceptability is checked with Wiktionary.
Making words of 7 or more letters long will get you bonuses, which you can use to remove words again without getting points.
The current version contains a dictionary of 69000+ words.
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