Download MathToolBox


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MathToolBox is a package containing procedures and functions created by V.Z. Aladiev while preparing books published in Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, and the United States The MathToolBox package contains over 1,420 tools for a variety of purposes that remove the limitations of a number of standard Mathematica tools or supplement them along with the Mathematica extension with new tools.

In this context, the bundle can serve as a definitive supplementary procedural and functional programming tool, especially useful in many applications where some non-standard computations are appropriate for Mathematica programming. In doing so, the tools provided in the package are most directly relevant to some of the fundamental procedural and functional programming issues in Mathematica, not only for solving application problems, but primarily for creating extensions to commonly used software products and/or fixing their defects or extending the system with new tools.

The software presented in the package contains a number of very useful and efficient programming techniques in Mathematica and extends its software, making it much easier and more efficient to program different kinds of tasks. MathToolBox not only contains many useful procedures and functions, but can also serve as a fairly useful set of programming examples using both standard and non-standard functional-procedural programming techniques. The tools in the package can also serve as a kind of advanced Mathematica programming tutorial.

The tools in the suite cover the following areas of Mathematica, namely

  • additional tools in interactive mode
  • additional expression processing tools;
  • additional symbol and string processing tools;
  • additional tools for sequence and list processing;
  • additional tools that extend standard built-in functions or entire system software (branch and loop control structures, etc.)
  • Definition of procedures in Mathematica;
  • Definition of user-defined and pure functions;
  • tools for testing procedures and functions;
  • procedure and function headers;
  • formal arguments for procedures and functions;
  • Local variables in modules and blocks; means of processing them
  • global variables of modules and blocks; means for their processing;
  • Attributes, options, and default values for arguments of user blocks, functions, and modules; additional means for their processing;
  • Useful extras for processing procedures and functions;
  • Additional Mathematica facilities for processing internal Mathematica files;
  • additional tools for processing external Mathematica files;
  • additional tools for processing directory and file attributes;
  • additional and special tools for manipulating directories and files;
  • additional tools for working with packages and their attributed contexts;
  • organization of user software in Mathematica.

Package tools can be successfully used as a fairly acceptable set of problems for programming mass problems in Mathematica, illustrating both standard and nonstandard programming techniques in Mathematica.


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