Download MultiPassword


License: Paid
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
120.46 MB
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MultiPassword is a program for storing passwords locally and remotely, using advanced cryptographic encryption systems to protect them. It is cross-platform software that is also available to users of Windows operating systems.

MultiPassword Security System

MultiPassword has a two-tiered level of security for sensitive data. When logging in to the system for the first time from a new computer, you must enter the secret key that you receive upon registration. For all subsequent logins, the master password is used. This way of protection ensures that an intruder cannot get access to the encrypted database, even if he gets hold of the secret key or the master password.

Due to the fact that the MultiPassword system uses cloud solutions, the developers have also provided protection for data transmitted between a computer and a remote server, for which end-to-end encryption methods are used.

At different stages of work (data storage, transmission and synchronization, authorization in the system, etc.) MultiPassword uses crypto-resistant (tamper-resistant) encryption algorithms, such as RSA, AES-256, HKDF and PBKDF2.

MultiPassword functionality

One of the peculiarities of MultiPassword is its ease of use. There are no unnecessary functions and settings cluttering the interface. The application has enough functionality to solve the most frequently asked tasks:

  • Adding logins and passwords to the database (you can add extra fields for notes or other confidential information, which will also be encrypted);
  • searching for logins, memos, sites and other textual information among all the entries in the database;
  • organization/grouping of passwords by distributing them to different storages/partitions (you can create an unlimited number of them);
  • Importing passwords from CSV files into the MultiPassword database or, vice versa, exporting them to CSV/HTML files.

MultiPassword has auxiliary functions as well:

  • auto-locks the database when the user is idle for a long period of time;
  • Built-in generator of complex passwords using preset parameters;
  • An automatic system for verifying the complexity and identity of added passwords (including imported passwords).

Note that MultiPassword software can work even without access to the Internet. If necessary, the user can additionally install an extension of the same name in the browser, which will automatically save logins and passwords entered on websites in the database, as well as fill in web authorization forms on them.


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