Download Remote Install Application

Remote Install Application

License: Free for Windows
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
0.43 MB
Russian, English


Remote Install Application is not a new idea, but the author of the program does not know similar variations in the same execution.

The software is designed to execute commands on a remote computer. The principle of operation of the program is similar to that of the PSExec utility by Mark Rusinovich.

PSExec is a console program for performing remote tasks on a computer.

This program is an analog, but with its own interface. The program components from PSExec are not part of this solution.

Let's take a closer look at the application after the first launch.

Please choose a language for the interface.

There are two languages to choose from - Russian and English.

English is an international language.

Russian is the native language, in which the author of the program speaks fluently.

Consider the addition of languages for the interface of this application if the program will be a bit popular in IT circles.

Read carefully the License Agreement.

After accepting the License Agreement, the program interface launches, which we will discuss with you.

The "Installing the Program" tab.

This tab is the main one. This is where everything started.

In the very first release of the program was just one tab. Later, the solution was scaled up.

The tab contains the following elements:

1) Enter computer name. This window is used to enter the name of the remote computer on which the command is to be executed. It is allowed to enter the computer name or ip address of the remote computer.

2) Enter the command to install. This may be a standard windows command such as ipconfig or it may be a command to silently install an application. You can run bat/cmd/exe files on the remote computer. Accordingly, you must know where the necessary executable files are located on the remote computer (drive C:\ or D:\ and in which folder) and have the necessary rights to run (Administrator).

By the way, regarding the necessary files to run - the Copy Files tab will help, but about that later.

3) Checkmark Remove installation service. It is used at will - when work has been carried out on the remote computer. For example: installed software or executed a command on the remote computer. If you do not need an additional service on the computer with which the program communicates - you can remove it.

4) Check the box Install with username and password. I do not have it - say YOU! I will tell you right away - this checkbox appears on a computer which is a member of the domain. If you ran the program at home, on a computer which is not joined to the domain, or in your company there are computers in the workgroup, the interface window will immediately

displays a request for a user name and password.

I emphasize that you must enter the username and password of the Remote Computer.

Generally, I have not tested this solution in a workgroup. If you find any bugs in the program, please let me know.

It is desirable to send a log file which is created in the folder with the program.

5) The button Install the program. This button is needed to run on the remote computer, what you have entered in the field Command.

After pressing this button in the information window on the right will be displayed the progress of execution. Specifically:

1) Search for DotNet - it is required for the program to run

2) Search for the service to install. If it is not installed, it will certainly be installed if you have the necessary rights on the remote computer.

3) Running the command itself. After launching the software installation command, you can watch the installation process in the Processes on Remote PC tab. I will describe this tab in more detail below. If you ran the command and decided to output the results of the command to a text file. For example:

ipconfig/all >> c:\ip.txt

After you have executed the program you can connect to your computer where you launched this program via SMB path and look at the file ip.txt\\the name of the remote computer\c$

In case of an error - in the information window an error is displayed in red.

I have tried to make the interface as intuitive and understandable as possible, but I understand that the first acquaintance with the program may require some training or reading this manual.

The "Copying Files" tab.

As promised, I will return to the "Copy Files" tab, which has two fields for you to fill out:

1) Path to distribution - the path from where the files will be copied.

Your computer with the distribution on the D drive may be used:

Example: d:\application\java

From this path files will be copied.

2) Path to file copying location - this is the path where files will be copied to. It is supposed to be a remote computer, on which the software will be installed.

3) Button "Copy files" - when you click this button, files copying begins.

The idea of this tab is to copy the distribution files for quiet installation of the program on the remote computer.

You may not use this tab and copy the files yourself to the remote computer by following the smb path

\\{\computer name\c$.

Whatever suits you best.

The Multiple Computer Installation tab.

If you want to execute a command or install a program on several computers - you can use this tab. There is no "Copying files to multiple computers" tab yet. It is not very convenient.

Perhaps this will be fixed in future versions.

There is only one button on the tab - "Open file with computer names".

To run a command or install software on multiple arm - you need to create a txt file with computer names or ip addresses.

After selecting the file - the button is automatically created, when you click it, the installation on the computers from the list in the text file starts sequentially.

Tab "View processes on remote computer".

This tab contains:

1) View processes on remote computer button. This button is used to view running processes on a remote computer. Don't forget to specify the computer's name in the Program Installation - Computer Name tab. Even if you forget to do so, the system will notify you and move you to the necessary tab. Once you press the button, the list of processes on the remote computer will be formed. This tab is designed for convenient viewing when an application is installed remotely.

2) Process Filter by Name - used for convenience, namely for filtering the required process in the list.

The " View installed programs" tab.

The tab, similar to the previous one, is used to take an inventory of already installed software.

For example, you have decided to install an application, have copied the files, have launched the installation, and after looking through the processes you saw that the process has already finished. How do you know if an application has been installed? You can use this tab.

1) The "View installed programs" button launches the software inventory on the remote computer to make sure the program is installed.

2) Filter installed programs by name. For easy retrieval of the desired program.

The "About" tab.

This tab contains a brief instruction on working with the program.

To summarize.

This program can be used to run remote tasks on your computer.


1) If you need to install the program on a remote computer in silent mode without distracting the user from his work.

2) If you need to find out the remote computer's parameters through the command line on the remote computer.

3) Run exe/cmd/vbs files on the remote computer.

You need to have administrator rights in order to perform necessary operations on the remote computer.

There is a similar functionality in the console program PSExec and PaExec. This program was specially created with a graphical interface for your convenience.

What does the program lack?

The program currently lacks interactivity. This will probably be fixed in the future.

Target audience ?

IT professionals doing technical support for computers in the office and system administrators. It can be used at home - if you have two computers at home and do not want to go to another room.


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