Download Simple Sticky Notes

Simple Sticky Notes

License: Free for Windows
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
2.59 MB


Simple Sticky Notes is a program that helps you record and save important or interesting information. With its help you won't forget what you need to buy or the name of a movie or a book you wanted to watch/read. Using this program, you can easily and quickly create a note and stick it on the most prominent place - the Windows desktop.

Simple Sticky Notes is designed to replace the paper sticky notes that you usually stick on your monitor, walls, fridge, etc. It provides the same functionality, but without the unnecessary garbage and the need to constantly buy stacks of pieces of paper. After installing it on your computer, you can create a new note at any time, write something in it, and stick it on your desktop. You can create as many notes as you want (as long as you have enough space on your desktop). Plus, you can customize the appearance of your notes individually.

Each note created in Simple Sticky Notes can have its own color, allowing you, for example, to group them by theme, or just add variety. In addition to the color, you can change the degree of transparency so that they don't distract too much while remaining visible.

Besides the notes themselves, you can also format the text itself. You can choose the text color, font, style (bold, italic, etc.). You can even change the line spacing. You can do all this by right-clicking on the text and calling the context menu. Also in this menu there is a command to search for the selected word in Google.

Now, as for note management.Simple Sticky Notes has a special manager for this purpose. It not only shows the list of all created notes, but also allows you to divide them into groups. It also has a search function. With its help, you will be able to organize all your notes by topics, or projects.

In the end, we can say that Simple Sticky Notes is a handy and easy-to-use program. With it, you will be able to record and save any information. You can download this program for free from our website!


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