StimulControls.Net v1.04 This is a collection of controls for the NET framework. All controls are distributed with source codes. The collection allows the developer to create high-quality applications with good design. The collection contains: DockingManager, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, ComboBox, GroupBox, ListBox, TextBox, TabControl, ButtonEdit, ColorBox, FontBox, MenuProvider, NumericSpinEdit, OutlookBar, ToolBar, TreeViewBox, TreeView, and GroupBox components. StimulControls.Net is distributed in two editions: Free Edition and Commercial Edition. StimulControls.Net contains the following controls: - Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, ComboBox, GroupBox, ListBox, TextBox, TabControl, NumericUpDown - these controls are similar to the standard WindowsForms controls, but are made in flat style; - ColorBox - lets you choose a color; - FontBox - lets you choose a font; - MenuProvider - this control increases the functionality of the standard controls: MainMenu and ContextMenu; - OutlookBar - tabbed panel, like in Outlook; - ToolBar - toolbar; - TreeViewBox - control similar to ComboBox, but uses TreeView instead of drop-down list; - DockingManager - dockable panels.