Storecalc Extremely simple warehouse program, warehouse calculator. Allows you to organize elementary warehouse accounting for a small own business. The program does not print accounting documents like bills of lading, its purpose is to keep records in the warehouse "for yourself". Just a few keystrokes and the following actions are performed: - adding goods to the warehouse - taking goods out of the warehouse - changing the price of goods - searching for goods - sorting the list of goods - viewing goods movements - removing goods from the warehouse - some other actions... The main window displays a list of goods in the warehouse, a list of movements and fields for entering information about the goods. The program saves the code, name, price, date of the last movement of goods and remains in stock (amount of goods, cost). For each product, all its movements are saved. Performed actions are described in detail in the help on work with the program. The program is designed for untrained users and is optimized to work with a laptop.
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