Perpetual Calendar is a display of the Gregorian calendar for 12 months of any year in the interval 1-9999; Highlighting of dates in six colors in the interval 1900-2075; Calculation of the number of calendar, work, and highlighted color days between two dates in the interval 1900-2075; Calculation of biorhythms; Creation of notes for any day; Reminder of affairs, holidays, name days, omens, birthdays of your acquaintances, with the calculation of the remaining days and the past years; Displaying the Julian date, the serial number of the day in the year.
Possible jump to the specified Julian day; Astrological Guide; Vegetarian Calendar; When you first run the calendar (daily) displays information for the current day: holidays, names, cases, notes. To view information for any other day, just move the pointer and press Enter; Alarm clock; Oracle (fortune-telling by the Book of Changes).
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