XEdit The XEDIT editor for disk files and sectors. Edits files, disk sectors, searches for code sequences in files and sectors, splits large files and much more. It edits files, sectors of disks (HD, floppy, CD) in binary and ASCII formats, looks for (scans) code sequences in files and sectors of disks, splits large files of several GByte into separate files and puts large file back together. Works in Windows 95/98/Me,NT,2000,XP. Physical sector operations work only on Windows NT,2000,XP. XEDIT has a built-in 80x86 disassembler that allows you to work in 16 or 32 bit formats.Copies physical floppy to file and back. Copies audio CD tracks into separate files in WAV format. The demo version has some limitations. The full version costs $9.99.
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