Download Child Tests - developmental game for children

Child Tests - developmental game for children

License: Free for Android
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Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x
28.02 MB
Russian, English, German


Child Tests - Developmental game for children The game contains developmental tests for children 3-4 years old.

With its help, you can work with children at home, in the car, on the train or anywhere else convenient for you. The tests contain tasks for the development of speech, attention, thinking, mathematical, on the world around them and many others. Developing a child through play brings not only benefit, but also pleasure. The app provides for an activity exactly the adult with the child. To do this, you need to read the child a task and let him solve the problem on his own. Some of the questions are not interactive, they involve an oral response from the child to the question posed, i.e., they develop their speech. Most questions are interactive, they require a child to choose the correct option or options. Some tasks in the game involve choosing pairs of correct answers, most often these tasks develop a child's logic. There are also questions in which a child should "draw" the correct answer, for example, to find the way out of the maze, first you need to click on the button "edit" and then draw on the screen with your finger or stylus. There are questions that teach a child the sounds of nature - the voices of birds.

All questions are grouped by type (theme):

  • development of thinking;
  • development of attention;
  • memory development;
  • Mathematics;
  • development of speech;
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • the surrounding world.

Switching from topic to topic can easily be done through the left-hand pop-up menu.


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