Download Comodo Security Antivirus VPN

Comodo Security Antivirus VPN

License: $0.99 - $12.99 per item
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x, Android 13.x
83.37 MB
Other, Russian, English, German, French


Comodo Mobile Security is a free antivirus for continuous protection of your smartphone from viruses and hacking. The antivirus has a wide functionality to diagnose and disarm threats - spyware and adware applications. Comodo Mobile Security allows you to connect to your smartphone at a distance, determine its location and, if necessary, lock your device.

Comodo Mobile Security is designed for smartphones and tablets running Android versions 4.0 and later. The program interface is only available in English.

About Comodo Mobile Security

Comodo Mobile Security provides protection against malicious spyware and also monitors sensitive information. The main benefits of the antivirus include:

  1. Real-time protection. The antivirus works in the background, protecting your system from viruses and insecure settings. Comodo Mobile Security monitors the installation of new applications and performs a comprehensive system file scan.
  2. Customize diagnostics settings. Comodo Mobile Security allows you to configure how often the diagnostic is performed and what actions to take when a threat is detected. You can specify which folders should be scanned first, and whether files on the SD card should be checked.
  3. Account linking. A single account for all your devices allows you to easily integrate anti-virus settings into all your devices. Your personal account logs your smartphone's last location and recent activity.
  4. Remote control. The remote access feature allows you to log in and perform manipulations from a distance. Remote access locates the smartphone and shows its coordinates, locks the device, erases all data and even conducts covert photo surveillance, taking pictures of the person in whose hands the device was. Remote access - an indispensable helper if your smartphone is lost.
  5. Protect individual apps from unauthorized access. Antivirus can block certain apps from prying eyes. Run the photo gallery, SMS and messengers will be possible only by entering a password or scanning your fingerprint.

Download Comodo Mobile Security from Freesoft. Each file is checked by antivirus, so we guarantee a safe installation without ads and malware.


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