Download Firefox Focus

Firefox Focus

License: Free for Android
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x, Android 13.x
86.65 MB
Other, Russian, English, German, French, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Uzbek


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To get a browser that cares about user privacy and protects personal data, we advise you to download Firefox Focus. The program automatically blocks suspicious online trackers and tracking add-ons.

You can download Firefox Focus for free from Installation of the downloaded *.apk file does not cause difficulties. Developed the application Firefox Focus for Android, russified.

Consider the features of the work, characteristics and advantages:

  1. The design of the application corresponds to the latest releases of the OS: additional icons have been added, the address bar is customizable, the settings menu is simplified. Button to delete information, as well as options to manage the protection of tracking is built into the address bar.
  2. Implemented the possibility of search suggestions for the address bar. Search suggestions are disabled by default.
  3. The home screen shows the included help documentation tips in the language of the Android environment or in English.
  4. The application has chosen to use the GeckoView engine, which allows for the comfortable integration of privacy and security features. Due to this, the weight of the application has increased.
  5. It takes less time to load web pages thanks to the removal of trackers and ads. Traffic is saved.
  6. Visitor history is cleaned automatically.
  7. No traces of browsing remain: passwords, cookies, records.
  8. The program is not like usual browsers in that there are no tabs and bookmarks. Functions that include information storage are not available to guarantee complete anonymity.

On our site you can download free Firefox Focus for your phone. It does not require registration and you do not risk picking up viruses.


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