On our site we offer to download Opera Mini Old for your mobile device. This is a fast browser, a light version of Opera for smartphones. Install the application, which is supported by the developer on an official basis.
Opera Mini Old for Android in Russian is suitable for phones that do not use the full format. Reasons - weak power of the device, not configured OS. Then you should download this analogue, which takes up little space and works on minimal resources. Options are loaded even from the network with interruptions, the speed allows it to do so. The program has a built-in plugin to block ads. Also present modes of saving downloaded data.
Additional features of the application:
The only shortcomings of the simplified version - does not provide flash player and periodically displays pages with errors due to compressed traffic.
We recommend downloading Opera Mini Old from this page - here is a free secure download document. Download it to install the program on your Android and surf the Internet even with an unstable network connection.
Download free Opera Mini Auld for phone at freesoft.ru: it's licensed, secure and fast. Registration for downloading is not required - start the process by clicking on the button. The procedure of unpacking and agreement with the terms and conditions is standard, as when installing other programs.
To rate Opera Mini 7.6.4 you need to register or log in on our website
Mail domain must match the domain of the developer's site
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