Download Safe Night

Safe Night

License: Free for Android
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 1.x, Android 2.1, Android 2.x, Android 3.x, Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x
0.65 MB


Safe Night is an application to protect the user's phone against theft. Thanks to its technological features, it can be used to keep other property safe. Safe Night is supported by all versions of the Android operating system, from 1 to 8. The program is downloadable to both smartphones and tablets. The weight of the application is only 640 Kb.

Safe Night description

Accelerometer, built into every smartphone, measures acceleration and responds quickly to changes in position of the smartphone relative to other planes. It is this element of the design that the Safe Night app interacts with. The sensitivity to external influences is calibrated by the user in the corresponding settings item.

Safe Night features

Before operating Safe Night, the user specifies an additional phone number. When a smartphone with the app running changes its position, it alerts you with a beep. At this point, the script sends a text message to the pre-specified phone number about the incident.

Safe Night features

Safe Night features:

  1. Versatility of use. Using the accelerometer that marks the position of the smartphone provides the ability to place it near locked doors or valuable property. As soon as an intruder tries to steal property or make an unauthorized entry, the user of Safe Night will immediately know about it.
  2. User-friendly user interface. Despite the fact that the Safe Night menu has a lot of settings, the interface is intuitive. The menu selects a sound for the alarm, as well as a password that only the user will know.
  3. A wide choice of modes for operation. No need to keep the offer in alarm mode all the time, the settings are optional and easy to adjust to the user's comfort.

Although the program interface is in English, a minimal level of language knowledge will be required to understand it. The technology used by Safe Night allows you to protect any kind of movable property. The app should be installed on the smartphone for security purposes. The user selects the mode in which the application will function.


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