Download Skype Lite

Skype Lite

License: Free for Android
Checked for viruses
Tested on virustotal
Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x
22.02 MB
Other, Russian, English


Skype Lite is a simplified, lightweight version of the video calling application of the same name. It offers almost all the features of the full version of the program, but works even on older devices and consumes less traffic.

Stay in touch with your loved ones, even when your network connection is unstable

As you can easily guess from the word "Lite" in the program name, this is a lightened and simplified version of Skype. It was created primarily for India and neighboring countries and its main feature is a reduced demand for quality and speed of Internet access. In other words, the program is adapted to work in networks with low speeds and can provide fewer connection disruptions, if the signal level leaves much to be desired. Users of limited data plans will appreciate the reduced consumption of Internet traffic, and the low system requirements make the program compatible with cell phones running Android 4.0.3 and later.

Despite the significant simplification of the application, Skype Lite is almost as good as its older counterpart in the set of functions. Here you will find everything you need: from simple text chats to group video calls. Moreover, the program supports SMS messages and allows the use of many useful bots.

Why Skype Lite will be useful for you:

  • high-quality voice and video communication;
  • support for group chats and calls;
  • low traffic consumption;
  • self-tracking your mobile data usage;
  • support for bots;
  • ability to share almost any files that do not exceed 300 MB:
  • support for SMS messages;
  • synchronization with the phone book;
  • setting call forwarding;
  • auto-answer on calls:
  • availability of a dark design theme.

Also, the program has support for a dark design theme and is fully translated into Russian.

Internet speed is not high enough to ensure a stable connection in Skype? Then download the free app Skype Lite for Android. This version of the program is able to work even with unstable or slow connection.


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