Download Survivalcraft Demo

Survivalcraft Demo

License: Paid
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Android 4.x, Android 5.x, Android 6.x, Android 7.x, Android 8.x, Android 9.x, Android 10.x, Android 11.x, Android 12.x
14.41 MB


Survivalcraft Demo is a sandbox game for Android devices. The application supports versions of the Android operating system from the fourth to the tenth inclusive.

Survival craft application runs on smartphones and tablets according to the compatibility of the product with the software on the mobile device. The game supports the English language, Russian translation is not presented.

Survival craft Demo description

Survival craft - a classic "sandbox" open world, built by the player as he wishes. The main game mechanics are construction and crafting. Construction is done with blocks, extracted from any part of the world. Crafting is done by collecting resources and then recycling them into new tools for interacting with the world. The game presents the change of day and night, and nighttime requires the preparation and equipping of a character's shelter. This is due to the movement of dangerous wolves at night. It is best not to mess with wolves until you can craft a strong weapon.

Survival craft Demo features

The player will need to craft items to defend themselves and hunt the creatures that inhabit the island. As the player progresses, he or she will receive higher ranked weapons. Also around the island the player will place traps, which are assembled from items collected on the island. As the daylight hours pass quickly enough, it is important not to delay with the collection of necessary resources. At night, there will be a need to defend against enemies.

Survival craft Demo features

When you install Survival craft on your Android device, the user gets the following features:

  1. An open world, equipped by the player according to his imagination. With the resources, the player has the opportunity to rebuild any part of the island, as you want. Levels are randomly generated.
  2. Crafting and Survival. System crafting is arranged as loyal to the player as possible way. Crafting items is not difficult, problems may arise with the search for resources in the short daylight hours. Survival should be organized in such a way that, having pumped up, to be able to move around the island even at night.
  3. Graphics. Such a technique, previously used in Meinkraft, is not something new to the gaming industry. In Survival craft, the cubic graphics are fully consistent with the tone and mechanics of the gameplay.


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