Google Chrome will learn to block pop-ups

10 November 2017
Surely many people have encountered such a nuisance online as pop-ups. At best, they can contain annoying ads, and at worst - some malicious content. Therefore, Google specialists have developed a special tool to block such pop-ups.It is reported that Google Chrome will be able to block all redirects generated by third-party frames on certain sites. This means that the browser will learn to prevent unauthorized jumps to third-party pages triggered by clicking on an item. Instead, the user will see a notification of a blocked redirect. The only exceptions will be those cases where the user has interacted with such a frame on their own. According to the company's representatives, testing of the new tool has already begun. It will be available in Google Chrome 64. We can only hope that the release of the new browser version will take place in the near future and users will no longer have to deal with annoying pop-ups on various sites on their own.