Google Duo will learn to work on multiple devices simultaneously

09 February 2018
Since its launch, Google Duo has perplexed many users, due to the inability to work on more than one device at a time. Once registered on one gadget, it was no longer possible to log in to the application on another one. If we believe the rumors, soon you can forget about this annoying inconvenience.Android Police resource shared a curious finding. According to the published data, in the messenger Duo will be available authorization with Google-account. This innovation will help to find the right people easier. To do this, you only need to know their email address, instead of looking for the actual phone number, which many users change with enviable regularity. But more importantly, using a Google account will allow you to sign into your Duo account on multiple devices at once. To do this, it will be enough just to sign in to the messenger using the appropriate email address. It is possible that Google will provide a limit on the number of devices connected to one account at a time. However, this is unlikely to cause any inconvenience to ordinary users. All those who can't wait to be among the first to try the innovation, it is recommended to install Google Duo messenger on their gadgets and follow the updates. We can only hope that the company will not change its plans and refuse to implement such a popular feature at the last moment.