How to get Windows 7 updates for free

14 February 2020

Who didn't know - on January 14, Microsoft "killed" Windows 7. This old OS has lost official support. The company has stopped releasing security updates.

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Windows 7 fans have been left without patches. Users are advised to switch to a more modern platform. Specifically - we are talking about Windows 10. Alas, it does not please everyone.

However, there is a loophole. It is designed for businesses. Some companies do not want to give up Windows 7. They are willing to pay for the stability of the system.

This has forced Microsoft to launch a special program. It is called Extended Security Updates (or ESU). As part of it, updates are released to close vulnerabilities.

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Another thing about ESU is that it costs money. For each Windows 7 computer, they charge $25. And, the amount is charged on a yearly basis and is going up. After 12 months the rate will double (and quadruple after that).

Such expenses are not critical for big companies. But what about ordinary people? Microsoft hints at installing Windows 10. There is less danger and less expense.

However, a simpler way has been found. It turns out that Microsoft is easy to cheat. Enthusiasts have created a utility called BypassESU (search the web). It will unlock the ESU.

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BypassESU updates Windows 7 without any problems. There is no charge for fixing bugs. By the way, Microsoft is aware of the method. It is trying to fix the "hole", but without success.

So far, BypassESU is functioning smoothly. It is a real gift for 7 fans. Although not entirely legal.