Razer released a "gold" smartphone

05 February 2018
Surely many people have heard that the famous manufacturer of gaming peripherals - Razer, has released its own smartphone. The device, thanks to its technical characteristics, and before easily attracted the attention of potential buyers, but now the manufacturer announced the start of sales of a limited edition of gadgets.The special edition of the smartphone was named Razer Phone 2018 Gold Edition. It is reported that it was released in celebration of the Chinese New Year. When you buy the smartphone, it will come in a special red box, as well as with branded Razer stickers and greetings from the manufacturer. Those who expected to see a premium smartphone in gold or, at worst, in a gold-plated case, will have to come down from heaven to earth. The only difference between the gadget and the original model will be the gold logo on the back. On the other hand, to overpay for a card and branded stickers is not necessary: the cost of Razer Phone Gold Edition does not differ from the price of the original smartphone and is $ 700. Buy "gold" Razer Phone already can all wishing. You can do this at the international store RazerStore.