The social network "Vkontakte" will check books for piracy when downloading them

12 September 2019

The media reported that the popular social network will soon begin to fight book piracy. According to some information, this task will be implemented on September 16.

Book publishers and the administration of "Vkontakte" agreed to moderate the books at upload. It will help to fight piracy. File will be checked by a special base. According to the sources, the innovation in the social network can begin to work on September 16.

Antipiracy memorandum is concluded with bookshops, publishing houses - "Eksmo", "AST", "ABC-Attikus", "Alpina Publisher", "Audiokniga", "LitRes" and with the Association for Protection of Rights on the Internet. Online bookstores are also part of it. The head of the Association said that "Vkontakte" receives a lot of complaints about pirated content. The copies are then deleted and the publishers have to track the books manually. Some of them are published in groups and publishers with restricted access.

вконтакте запретит делиться пиратскими книгами

The advantage of the memorandum for the social network and publishers is that the process of downloading files will be automated and also will be moderated.

To track pirated publications "VK" will apply Copyright Check. The principle of work is as follows: the system will automatically compare the uploaded file with the legal copies. Users simply will not be able to publish books if the data do not match.

Comparison of books downloaded by the user will be based on the database "Litres". Audiobooks - by Biblio. At the same time, according to the head of the Internet Rights Protection Association, the links to pirated books in the social network will not be moderated. It is noted that 80% of illegal copies of books distributed through downloads. That is what the Association will do.

So far, it is known that the agreement is signed for a year. Pre-moderation, most likely, will begin on September 16.