The social network "Odnoklassniki" may launch a paid model to show videos

20 March 2017
According to information published in the Vedomosti newspaper, watching videos on the Odnoklassniki social network may soon become a paid service. Testing of the new, paid model of displaying the corresponding materials may start in the near future.It is known that at the moment several options for monetizing videos in the social network are being considered. The introduction of payment for watching certain videos will not happen earlier than in six months. It should also be added that Anastasia Zhbanova, the representative of the social network "Odnoklassniki", said that monetization will affect only the premium content. Thus, small videos of other users will remain free, but for viewing movies, TV series and any educational videos will have to pay. One of the most likely options for monetization is the introduction of paid subscriptions to this kind of content. In any case, more precise data will be announced within six months.