AlgART: open-source Java libraries Open-source Java libraries supporting generalized 'smart' arrays and matrices with elements of any types (1 bit, 8/16/32/64-bit integers, 32/64-bit real values and any other Java types). The libraries include a wide set of algorithms for 2D, 3D and multidimensional image processing: linear filters, mathematical morphology, ranking operations, spectral transformations (FFT) and other algorithms that work with arrays and matrices.Skeletonization and measurement of binary images are also implemented. The libraries use 63-bit addressing of array elements (all indexes and lengths are represented by 64-bit long type). Thus, it is theoretically possible to create and process arrays and matrices containing up to 2^63-1 (~10^19) elements of any primitive or non-primitive types, if the OS and computer can provide the necessary amount of memory or disk space. The memory model concept allows to store arrays in various ways, from simple Java arrays to mapped disk files; all necessary data transfers are done automatically each time an item or block of items is accessed. Most algorithms are based on extensive use of 'lazy' computation with automatic optimization for multicore processors.
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