Download BluffTitler


License: Free for Windows
Checked for viruses
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Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
50.69 MB


BluffTitler is a PC application that is handy and useful when working with video. With this program you can create 3D-titles and text fragments for video clips, and with the latest versions - even simple animation. The program supports Russian, is suitable for 32- and 64-bit Windows (from Windows 2007 and higher), is compatible with common video editors - from Pinnacle Studio to Adobe Premiere.

Key features:

  • library of basic blanks;
  • preview of the fragments in real time - without waiting for overall video calculation;
  • Layer-by-layer animation with editing of almost every parameter;
  • keyframe animation.

After editing in BluffTitler, captions burn, explode, glow, move.Much of this is also available in video editors, but in BluffTitler animated inserts can be viewed immediately, rather than waiting for the editor to calculate the cumbersome video as a whole. The finished work can be saved in a video format (.avi, .mpg, etc.) and then incorporated into a video.

The program also has a portable version.

Layer-by-layer animation

The animation is created layer by layer, most of the parameters of the layers can be edited. Edited parameters are marked with the + sign for clarity.

Each project has up to 64 layers divided into 12 categories.

Layer Categories

  • Light - lighting. Two versions of light are available: general (AmbientLight) and point (PointLight). The first sets the shade of light, the second - the location of the light source, the illumination of individual fragments of the project, the presence and intensity of shadows.
  • Text - captions. The main layer with a large number of parameters, which set the type and font size, position, rotation, etc.
  • Scroll - moving the text on the screen.
  • Picture - adding a background image. You can add pictures in .bmp, .jpg, .png and other graphic formats as a background. Most of the settings are also editable, allowing you to change transparency, size, set rotation, etc.
  • Video and VideoCapture - adding background video (including from an external source). Video files of the . avi, .mpg, .mpeg, etc. video files are supported.
  • Plasma and Particle - add library animations (fireworks, snow, flames, TV interference, etc.). Each of these layers can be used both independently (as a background) and - with the Attach command - when decorating other layers. Thus, for example, you can create "burning" letters.
  • Audio - to add audio accompaniment with .mp3, .wav and .mid files.
  • Passe-Partout - creating frames for animated effects.

Besides, you can use the EPS layer to add vector objects to the project, and the Model layer to add .x three-dimensional models exported from 3ds Max.

Key frames

The first and the last frame of the fragment for which an effect is being defined are marked on the animation scale with blue markers. The user edits the desired parameters in them, and the program chooses the intermediate values independently. The duration of the effect is set by moving the keyframes.


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