Download GraphBuilder


License: Free for Windows
Checked for viruses
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Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7
4.06 MB


GraphBuilder is a program that visualizes the four most popular graph algorithms: Dijkstra, Floyd, Primes and Cascall. It has the ability to customize the color and thickness of the edge lines, the color and size of the vertices, and the delay time. It also has a handy feature for uploading graphs to a remote server for storage and subsequent uploading to a user's computer.

A small set of graphs is included. Graphs can also be created independently, but the editor is still under development, so this can only be done in a text editor for now.


Visualization is done by highlighting edges and vertices in different colors. The delay between color changes depends on the value you specify in the settings. The number of the current iteration is also displayed in the upper right field. The process can be paused or stopped permanently (reset) at any time using the two buttons below the iteration number field. A paused process can be continued at any time using the same button.

Startup keys

  • [path to exe] -n;
  • creates a new graph;
  • [path to exe] [path to graph];
  • opens the specified graph (absolute and relative paths are supported).

Working with the server

You can think of an arbitrary name for the graph and try to upload it to the server. However, because there is only one server, the name can be already taken. In this case the program will suggest an alternative name.

The graph is uploaded in two steps. First, it opens a window and displays a list of all available graphs on the server. Then you choose the graph you want and download it to your computer.

Working with export patterns

You can save the log files generated by the algorithms as plain HTML (using the standard template), as CSS-enabled HTML (alternative template) or by using your own export template. A template is a special file whose contents are copied into the destination file, replacing all occurrences of a special sequence with the received data.

The user can specify whether to replace all occurrences or only the first occurrence; the "trigger threshold", i.e., only a certain number of occurrences of the sequence in a row will be replaced; and the sequence itself. This allows you to create your own CSS styles, design as you wish, or simply reproduce the resulting data.


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