InterGIS-Kaliningrad is a map of Kaliningrad with house numbers InterGIS is a complete reference system that
Interactive map of Kaliningrad is updated twice a month: new organizations appear, descriptions of companies and organizations are supplemented, so that every user can be sure - he uses up-to-date, recent information. The map of Kaliningrad InterGIS is scalable, and at any scale streets, houses, objects, water bodies, various objects (for example, bus stops or buildings under construction) are seen equally clearly. The interface of the map is simple and intuitive. Thanks to its ergonomically successful interface, the user sees all the information about a particular object, organization, etc. in one window without having to leave the map. It is possible to search for an object even if there is minimal data: address, street it is located on or telephone. Routing by public transport is made by simple clicking on the necessary stop and choosing one of the routes passing through it. Note that all operations are performed in one window: that is, the user gets the most complete and illustrative information about the object, including contacts, and addresses of sites, and location. Who can use the Kaliningrad InterGIS directory? Such possibilities of the guidebook as street search in Kaliningrad and possibility to see routes of city transport will be very useful for tourists, citizens of other cities who come to Kaliningrad on business as well as for those who just don't know some districts of the city very well.
The Guide to Kaliningrad including data on hundreds of cultural and entertainment facilities, companies and organizations is helpful to both tourists, business travelers, and regular citizens. For people working a lot "in the field" - salespersons, advertising agents, PR-activities organization specialists, as well as for service sector workers, couriers, etc. - this map of Kaliningrad with a street number significantly simplifies the work. Working with the directory and the map does not require Internet access or any payments: the Internet is only needed to download the map and periodically update the directory.
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